Does Your Cat Like Plastic Bags? – Things You Need to Know

cat on paper bag

If your cat is anything like mine, it will be sorely tempted by the plastic bags (or anything else!!) you may leave on the kitchen counter or on the floor.  My cat, Bess, like many other cats, will always lie on these bags, and I wanted to share why your cat may be tempted in the same way.

Plastic bags are made from materials such as tallow, a substance made from animal fat, and corn-starch, substances which cats are attracted to.

Your cat may be drawn to plastic bags because of the smell emanating from them, but these bags can be dangerous.  For your cat’s safety, you should always remove plastic bags and give your cat a paper bag to play with.

Cats like lying on things

Cats are naturally curious and like to sit on many different surfaces, and my cat, Bess, if I brought something new into the house in a plastic bag, would wait until I had unpacked it, and then immediately try to crawl into it or lie on it.


The smell of food emanating from the bags

Cats love to lie on plastic bags, especially if they have come from the supermarket because the smell of the food is still incorporated within them.   Your cat may think that food is still contained in the bag, therefore they could begin to lick it or chew it.

It is therefore prudent to place your bags or plastic wrapping out of reach of your cats when you have finished with them.  The problem is that the plastic may taste good to your cat and feel good on their tongue.

You should provide your cat with a more appropriate item to chew such as a dental toy, which will not only mean that your cat will avoid the plastic bag, it will also have better teeth.  Buying your cat healthy snacks is a much better alternative to them licking and chewing your plastic bags!!

Another option is to try and stop using plastic bags altogether; not only is this safer for your cat, it is also better for the environment.


Noises coming from the bags

Your cat loves the sound of plastic bags because to them, the sound made by a plastic bag is like an animal running around in the field, and is, therefore, something to play with.

This is a bad thing for your cat – your bags can be dangerous because the plastic contains toxic chemicals and if your cat were to lick the bag, it could eventually tear, leading to them swallowing the plastic.

This situation would mean an emergency trip to the vet to make sure that the plastic has not caused your cat to have a stomach upset or blockage, which could lead to your cat needing surgery, which can be very expensive.  You should always ask the vet what course of action they think is best to take in this situation.

In order to prevent this occurrence, you should increase the time you play with your cat – this will pique their interest whilst giving them less time to play with the plastic bags, make them more tired, and less likely to want to play with inappropriate items.

Cats should always have their own toys to play with, which will be much safer and enriching for them.

If you ever see your cat chewing plastic bags, you should always try and prevent it from doing so by saying no in a determined and confident tone and clap your hands to obtain its attention.

Under no circumstances should you ever shout at your cat or hit it because this may make it frightened of you.


Your cat could become trapped

You have to be very careful if your cat plays with a plastic bag because it could easily become trapped in the bag, which could lead to them suffocating.

The handles could also become entwined around their neck, which could easily become a deadly situation because they will be at a much greater risk of being strangled, especially if it is a kitten, as they have less coordination.  The more your cat becomes entangled, the more they will panic.


A good place to sleep

A cat loves to sleep on plastic bags because plastic warms up quickly, making it feel warm and comfortable – sometimes more so than the cat blanket you have lovingly purchased for it!!

A plastic bag is also easy for your cat to manipulate and its smooth texture is very appealing.

My cat, Bess, sometimes crawls inside a bag I leave on the floor and goes to sleep, so I have learned to always put these bags away when I have finished with them because I would not want her to suffocate.


Does your cat have medical issues?

If your cat chews plastic bags, it could have a dental problem or pain in its mouth, the chewing motion providing some form of pain relief. 

It is best to consult your vet to rule out any possible dental problems or any other underlying cause for your cat’s behaviour.  They will be able to give your cat a thorough examination, thus putting your mind at rest.

If your cat has been given the all-clear by the vet, and the problem still persists, another option is to consult a professional trainer to help you to resolve the issue.  Your vet will be able to recommend suitable trainers or behaviourists.


Give your cat a paper bag

If you wish to give your cat a bag to lie on, it is much better to provide it with a paper bag which will still give it the same amount of satisfaction, whilst being much less worrying for you.  If your cat was to unintentionally swallow the paper it would not harm it, thus you do not need to worry quite as much in this instance.

Cats love to pounce on paper bags because they are a great hiding place to jump out of, and they are able to fit into a bag perfectly because of their size, making them even more appealing.  If a cat plays with a paper bag, it can be mentally stimulating for it because if the cat has nothing to do, partaking in this activity can be a great way for its brain to be aroused.

Your cat treats the paper bag as its property; it is able to keep it all to itself!!

As with all bags, there are still some dangers you need to be aware of before you let your cat play with them; the handles should always be removed so there is less chance of the cat becoming entangled in them.

It is advisable to supervise the activity so that you can quickly step in if your cat becomes agitated or scared.


Provide something for your cat to do whilst you are out

If you leave your cat indoors whilst you are out, it may begin to feel bored so you should always provide it with something to do.  This could involve leaving its toys out so that it can play with them.

Another option would be to install a cat tree or cat shelf so that it can climb up and look out of the window, thus enabling it to survey its surroundings.

A cat scratching post would enable your cat to exercise and would be a great stress reliever for it.  Instances of your cat’s undesirable behaviour could decrease if it has been stimulated.


Spray plastic items with a deterrent

It is prudent to spray plastic items in your home with a cat deterrent or cover them with a smell your cat does not like; this will make it less likely to want to play with them.

Cats do not understand the dangers of playing with plastic bags, so rely on us to ensure that what they play with is safe.

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My name is Rachel Dunkley and I love cats, which has inspired me to create this website, Here are photos of my cat, Bess, who is now 11 years old. Bess has given...